Gennaro Srl operates according to consolidated principles of legality and transparency. The Code of Ethics and Conduct is the document which, on the one hand, establishes the general principles with which the behavior of each of its Recipients must conform in relations with Gennaro Srl and, on the other hand, prescribes specific rules of conduct which will be considered binding for the Recipients, beyond and independently of what is provided for at a regulatory level.
The company has as an essential principle compliance with the laws and regulations in force, and this Code constitutes an essential element of the preventive control system adopted by the Company for the purpose of preventing crimes that may be committed in the performance of their activities, and in particular of predicate crimes envisaged by the Legislative Decree. n. 231/2001, containing the regulations.
The legislative decree “8 June 2001 n. 231”, published in the Official Gazette no. 140 of 19 June 2001, introduced the principle of administrative liability of companies for crimes committed, in their interest or to their advantage, by people who work for them. The necessary prevention requires organizational and control measures on which the main business organizations have developed and disseminated guidelines and recommendations for companies.
On 13 December 2020, the Gennaro Board of Directors approved and adopted the definitive and complete text of the Code of Ethics and the Organisation, Management and Control Model, which can be freely downloaded from the link at the end of this page.
Modello Organizzativo 231
GENNARO Srl Modello di organizzazione e controllo ai sensi del dlgs 231 2001 (PDF)